I see the girl that came home for Christmas and she is motivated, she is excited to be doing work for the Lord. She tells me things she is learning in her classes and I hear stories about the other young kids leaving their families just as she has. One of the toughest things for these young people is when they put together the mission teams. Sommer had her top picks and top people but was committed to praying about where God wants to use her and who he wants her to go with. Before she left for Christmas break she found out that she is going to Scotland with three other girls, Ashley, Cassey and Jessica. Please keep these girls in your constant prayers. When they go back to Texas on January 11TH they will be moving into an apartment together and starting what is their "mission term" part of that is to get them ready for the field. They will not be using technology like cell phones, computers, or any of their electronic devices and will be walking or riding the bus and no fast food (I kinda like that idea). They will be in Texas until April 15Th then will go home to try to raise support for their field time and leave for the field sometime in June.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
One Year ago today
I see the girl that came home for Christmas and she is motivated, she is excited to be doing work for the Lord. She tells me things she is learning in her classes and I hear stories about the other young kids leaving their families just as she has. One of the toughest things for these young people is when they put together the mission teams. Sommer had her top picks and top people but was committed to praying about where God wants to use her and who he wants her to go with. Before she left for Christmas break she found out that she is going to Scotland with three other girls, Ashley, Cassey and Jessica. Please keep these girls in your constant prayers. When they go back to Texas on January 11TH they will be moving into an apartment together and starting what is their "mission term" part of that is to get them ready for the field. They will not be using technology like cell phones, computers, or any of their electronic devices and will be walking or riding the bus and no fast food (I kinda like that idea). They will be in Texas until April 15Th then will go home to try to raise support for their field time and leave for the field sometime in June.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Fresno State student needs donor
This young man, Kavon is a very good friend of my niece, Jessica. If you or anyone you know can help please tell them about the blood drive today at the Save Mart Center.
By Margot Kim
Fresno, CA, USA (KFSN) -- A Fresno State student is hoping someone in the Valley holds the key to his future.
He needs a donor who's willing to go "down to the bone" to save his life.
A hospital bed has been Kavon Momen's home away from home for the past two weeks. The Fresno State student is recovering from the latest setback in his fight against aplastic anemia.
It's a rare condition in which the bone marrow stops producing new blood cells, including platelets and white blood cells needed to fight infection.
He started noticing something was wrong, two months ago, just before his 23rd birthday. Kavon's doctor, Fresno hematologist and oncologist, Dr.Ravi Rao said Kavon may never know.
Dr. Rao said in some patients, aplastic anemia could result from exposure to a virus or toxin, but he's concentrating on finding a cure for Kavon instead of a cause.
Kavon gets regular blood transfusions because his body isn't producing blood cells, but he needs a bone marrow transplant his rich ethnic heritage makes it more challenging to find a match.
Family members are the best chance to find a match, but so far, none of Kavon's loved ones are a match. This predicament is leaving him to find a bone marrow donor somewhere in the world, but they are starting with his own community.
A week ago the Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno hosted a blood drive and bone marrow donor registry sign-up to help Kavon. People of Iranian and Hispanic heritage were encouraged to donate but anyone in the community was invited to give life-saving blood to help Kavon or someone else.
Monday at the Save Mart Center in North Fresno, a community-wide blood drive and bone marrow registry event will be held to help Kavon and many others. The gift of life from family, friends and total strangers gives Kavon hope for Monday.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Bring The Rain by MercyMe
Then they called me back to get me ready for surgery. Because I have had so much chemotherapy and because I have had lymph nodes removed on both sides, there are limits on where they can put the IV and they can't put it on the left side at all. Usually the anesthesiologist ends up getting it in the end. I still don't understand why I just can't have him do it to begin with, does every nurse have to try to poke me first before they understand that it's too difficult for them. I lost count of how many times I was poked but they were calling me a pincushion by the time I was being rolled back to surgery. I remember as I was being poked for I guess the 5Th time. I looked over at Arnold with tears in my eyes because I was so frustrated. Then finally the anesthesiologist came in and guess what he got it in! Why did they not send him in 1 1/2 hrs ago is beyond me.
O.K. I am supposed to learn something from everything that happens so I'm thinking what am I supposed to learn from this? What came to me was how Arnold looked when he saw what I was going through. He was in pain for me. At one point one of the nurses said WOW you have been through so much how do you deal with it? I said, as I was looking at Arnold, "he's my rock" and he said "but this rock crumbles sometimes". I am going to be honest I had a bad attitude Wednesday. I think that God allows things to happen in my life so that I will be grateful and thankful. God has truly blessed me with an amazing husband. I don't think anyone truly understands how difficult this is for him. When I looked over at him with tears in my eyes, I saw the pain and the fear in his eyes. He has watched me go through so much. The last few months he has been taking care of me, the office, the house, and dealing with the kids being gone, with me being down. I know that this is stressful for him. I love this man so much. Last night I couldn't sleep because, (don't tell him I told you) he was snoring so loud. I was getting frustrated and then I thought what if he wasn't here? or I wasn't here to hear it, and then it was the most beautiful sound to me. But it still kept waking me up so I asked him this morning for earplugs for Christmas!
I thank God today for blessing me with someone that makes me a better wife, mother, daughter, friend and most of all a better Christian woman. Arnold truly is my best friend in this world.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Josh & Sommer find your wings
Friday, November 28, 2008
So very Thankful
When mom found out in January that her breast cancer had returned in her lung it was very tough. Finding out that you have to have chemotherapy after going through it before is so very hard because you have experienced it before and you know what's coming. I cried so hard the day that I found out. Sometimes I have a much harder time dealing with her being sick than myself. The original prognosis did not sound too bad. They would start chemotherapy to shrink the tumor, then some high dose radiation then send her to a surgeon to operate. She had the chemo, the radiation than went to the surgeon only to discover that the tumor was in a spot that was way too dangerous to operate. The surgeon said that he would not do it and that he doubted she would find a surgeon that would. In hearing that she was convinced that surgery was not an option. Back to chemotherapy until it is dissolved. In February they will test to see if the tumor has shrunk or best case scenario dissolved.
Please pray for my mother and for my dad. This has been especially hard on my dad, sometimes we forget cancer does not just effect the patient but the whole family.My sweet little niece, Hanna, made us all smile!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sometimes I forget
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Looking forward
I was reading Jim's blog this morning and was bummed that he would not be preaching this Sunday at WWP. Then I read on and saw that Stan Williams will be here and be preaching. I am so excited, I can't wait to see Stan, I missed the Workshop this year and missed seeing Stan. Stan baptized Arnold and myself back in 2000. I absolutely can't wait for this weekend. We will pickup Sommer Friday night in L.A. spend the day on Saturday hanging out at the Santa Monica Pier, taking in the sunshine and shopping. Then on Sunday we will be at Woodward Park where Sommer is so excited to see everyone.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thank God a new week!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Where are we headed?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Do you wonder what is going on inside of you?
Monday, November 3, 2008
Becoming a Mom
Every year about this time I start get very sentimental because I am remembering the day my baby boy was born. November 1, 1986.
Saturday we celebrated Joshua's 22ND birthday. Twenty-two years ago we saw each other for the first time. I know that he can't remember but I remember like it was yesterday. My life changed that day forever. That was the day that I became a mother. That is when I looked at this helpless little baby and I knew that Arnold and I were responsible for someone besides ourselves. It was so scary and so exciting at the same time. I was only twenty and Arnold was twenty-five and I look at Josh as he turns 22 and realize how young we were. I see him starting out in his adult life. I can't help but be thankful. When Josh was five, in kindergarten I had my first diagnosis with cancer and I honestly didn't think I would be around for his adult years. I am so thankful. I am and proud of the young man that he is.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Letting them grow up
One thing I have learned is that Arnold and I have done our best. That they are a gift. Now it is time for them to figure out their place in the world. We still continue to pray for our children everyday and the most important thing to us both is their souls. That is why I am having a very difficult time. I said when Sommer decided to go to AIM that if that is what God was calling her to do then I could not stand in her way. As a lot of you know Satan tried his hardest to keep her from going but failed. Now it is close to the time for her to choose her mission field. We know that she has a heart for inner city mission work and have known those fields would be on the top of her list. She shared that Utah, Miami, Grass Valley, Mexico were all up there on top of her list. Then yesterday she informed us that she wants to go to South Africa, No absolutely not! was my first reaction. Then this young woman says "just pray about it Mom, I believe this is where my heart is." Wow did I forget that I said I would not stand in the way? I have really been praying about this. Today was the presentation and she is even more excited about it than before. Do I have enough faith to let her go where ever God leads her? I pray that I do. As a mom I don't want her to go. But as a child of God, I know I have to. I trust him and I know that this will change her adult life. I will allow my children to figure it out for themselves with guidance of course but it is not always easy. I don't always have the best attitude about it. I am thanking God for her heart, that she wants to go into all the world. God protect them where ever they are and whatever they are doing.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I think this was the best Race for the Cure yet!
I had such an awesome weekend. It started when I went to the doctor on Friday and together we decided that I was finished with the injections and was ready to move forward with the surgery for the implants. When we walked out that door Arnold and I just looked at each other and smiled because we both knew, it was answered prayer. We were both dreading Friday because we thought that I would have the injection and then not be feeling well for the Race on Saturday. I really felt like I could run the race right then, but Arnold was not too excited about me doing that. Then on Friday night we finally had the chance to go out and see the movie "Fireproof" which is an excellent movie.
Then yesterday was Lord's day and I was blessed to hear a great sermon on marriage. Jim gave us homework (which Arnold and I completed). I was able to stay for class for the first time since the surgery. Then we were able to have lunch with two very special people who have been struggling in their marriage for a while. I was able to share what Arnold and I have gone through recently with them as well as some women on Saturday. In March Arnold and I will celebrate our twenty-third wedding anniversary. One thing we have learned is leave whatever has happened in the past and move on. We are so thankful for the time we get to spend together and if you were in our shoes would you treat each other any different?
Then as we were driving home Sommer called. That is the only thing that was missing Saturday. I was so blessed when two of her old high school buddies came up to me and said that they wanted to be part of the race and could they join our team and walk with us. Sommer is right where she needs to be. I must admit I would love to have done what she is doing. She has been in nine states in the last ten days learning more about the bible, fellowship with other Christians and reaching out to the communities they visit. She was excited to see Andrew Gearhart in Alabama and Chris Perry in Dallas. She was not too excited that the bus broke down and they were stranded in Dallas. Looks like classes were cancelled today, so she will be able to get some sleep before the new semester starts tomorrow. I was exhausted when I got home yesterday and feel pretty tired still but am thankful for such a great weekend.
Friday, October 24, 2008
One woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every three minutes, and one woman will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes in the United States
This is going to be my 8th time participating in the Race for the Cure. I first got involved back in 2001 when we ran at Woodward Park. I was so thrilled to be able to run a race when I had just finished chemotherapy the year before. Then the next year they moved the race to Fresno State, I think it was because it had grown so much. The year that I first got involved I thought it was nice that they called all of us survivors onto the stage and they had a song playing and we all held hands. There was such a bond, we had all experienced those ugly words "you have cancer" and lived to be here on stage as a survivor. I continued to run the race every year after that because it helped my healing to be involved in something with some sort of purpose. I am not sure when I started wanting to put together a team. The awareness has grown thanks to events like Komen. If you go out on Saturday and see the survivor ceremony you will see we don't all fit on the stage at the same time, there is a long line of us. I believe it is because we are finding the cancer earlier and we are surviving! We have so much more research that needs to be done. I believe that prevention is going to be the cure. We are going to discover where it comes from and be able to prevent it rather than having to treat with poisons.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Read the Fresno Bee column promoting the Race for the Cure
Monday, October 20, 2008
Cancer is not who I am
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Register for the Race for the Cure
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What is important
I constantly hear people say and I am including myself IF ONLY I HAD ENOUGH TIME FOR.....
As I am recovering from surgery there has been a lot of things I just can't do so those things that I was always saying that I don't have time to finish well somehow they just are not that important right now. I wonder how much time I waste on things that really don't matter? I talked to Sommer last night and she was so excited as she told me how her AIM class went onto the Tech campus to talk to college students and to plant the seed. She mentioned that she would be having a good conversation and then start talking about God and then most, not all were not interested. Do you think that people are not interested in hearing about God because they are too busy and they feel that is just one more thing they will have to fit into their schedule?
You know when you are faced with your mortality you start thinking about the things that really matter. When I became a Christian eight years ago, that is exactly what I was faced with. What is important? I didn't have extra time to go to Church on Sunday or to talk to people about Jesus my life was too busy. I had to understood that some things were more important than others. What I learned is that having a relationship with the Lord is the most important thing. You know the funny thing is once I put God first in my life things were not so out of control anymore. Yes, I still have a lot to do but those things that seem so important to get done really don't matter in the end. I need to spend more of my time reaching out to others because in the end that is what really matters.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Going Home
I have never been away from home for very long. I can only imagine what it must be like to be away from home and your loved ones. I believe, yesterday I got to experience a bit of what it feels like to go home. I had not been to worship services since the Sunday before my surgery guess that it had been about month. I was able to attend services yesterday. I knew that I missed my church family but did not realize how much until yesterday. This may sound a bit strange but I am thankful for Face book because I was able to stay in close contact with a lot of you. That helped me more than you will ever know. Just to hear your encouraging words and to know that you were all praying for me. I felt very emotional yesterday, not because of what I have gone through lately or what lies ahead. I was and have been so overwhelmed by all of the love and support. I have learned that living a God centered life is such a blessed life. I have appreciated the relationships that my family has developed in the last few years being at Woodward Park Church of Christ but one thing that I had not experienced first hand was how you were there when I needed you. From all of you that came to the hospital, your phone calls, cards, face book messages, all of the yummy food and most important all of your prayers. I honestly don't know how we made it through the difficult times without a loving church family but I do know that having gone through difficult times with a loving church family makes it so much easier to endure. I know that it's not over yet and I will have good days and bad days. I get so much comfort in knowing that I have all of you willing to help me along the way. I have learned so much in the last few months, mainly that I have so much more to learn. I have learned from you how to be a Christian friend to someone who thinks all she needed was God and her family. I think the most important thing that I have learned is how to accept help. I don't always have to be the one giving the help. Thank you for being part of my journey. I love you all!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I thought I was prepared
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Consider it pure Joy
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My prayers have been answered
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Why I Run the Race for the Cure
Sunday, September 14, 2008
This time I woke up to see my mom and dad they were crying so I knew, no one had to say a word. But maybe just maybe it's early so no chemotherapy or radiation this time. Nope it is stage II again it has spread to one lymph node so chemotherapy and radiation was needed. Here we go again now Josh is eleven and Sommer is eight. Six months of Chemotherapy and radiation again.
Something was happening inside of me this time, I mean deep inside I was questioning my existence I just couldn't believe that this is all there is, you live on this earth for a few years and then it's all over? No there has to be more. So I started searching trying different things I had already tried a lot of what the world had to offer and always came back feeling empty. How about this new age stuff, positive thinking, mediation, how about this I'll try praying Jesus into my heart. No, Something is still missing. I went to church when I was young I will try that. My grandma took me to the Church of Christ every Sunday until I thought I wanted to do things my own way. Maybe I will try that. So I went and there was this friendly preacher, Stan Williams and this one elder, John Ed Clark that kept saying hello to me and to my family like they were really happy to see us. Then Stan asked if he could study with us. I still thought that since I was baptized as a teen that I was o.k. until Stan preached a lesson one Sunday morning he had these chairs up in the front of the church and his sermon was on which chair were you in the one where you are sure of where you are going or one of the other chairs I sat there thinking I really don't know which chair I am in and I don't want to not be sure what if I died? It was that day in September 2000 that I found what was missing in my life. I was baptized into Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of my sins and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. I know that the angels were rejoicing. I searched for Jesus with all of my heart and I found him. I now understood that there is more to life. This is not all there is there is so much more than what I can see with my eyes. I now can also see with my heart. Since then I have seen amazing things happen in me andin Arnold since we have become christians. We were so lost and we didn't even know it but God allowed the "best worst thing" to happen to me so that my eyes could be opened. To this day I thank the Lord that he used something as horrible as Cancer to get my attention. He has brought me so far and I know I still need a lot of work but if he can take a simple country girl and save her from herself he can do all things. I love the Lord and am still amazed at how he works in my life. As I prepare for surgery on Friday, a surgery that I have been praying about weather I should have for the last four years. I believe that God has answered that prayer with a YES. There is no doubt in my mind that he has allowed these cancer cells to surface because he knows that this is the only way for me to do what I need to do to be around for the tomorrows that he has planned for me. I am excited to see what he has in store for me on the other side of this.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
On August 10, 2008 I left a piece of myself in Lubbock Texas. This was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do in my life. When Sommer first seemed to be interested in the AIM program I prayed a lot about it. I realized that if this is what God was calling her to do then I had no right to tell her that she could not go, I would not stand in the way of his plan for her life. In making that decision it did not make it any easier on me. Walking away from the Sunset church that day was so difficult not only was I leaving my daughter, I was leaving my buddy. I also knew that I was coming home to change that I did not want to face. The home was different now with Josh gone, now Sommer gone and what I had to face was Dr. appt. after Dr. appt. I did not want to go home. The first few days home were so awful, so quiet I just did not want to be here then something truly amazing happened inside of me. God wanted me to know, don't throw away what you can do with your life today and tomorrow because you are so caught up in yesterday. I thank God that he has blessed me with a truly amazing man to spend my life with and I don't want to neglect that part of my life or have my eyes closed to what the Lord wants to teach me through all of the pain and suffering. There truly can be joy in suffering I know first hand. Yes, I have good days and bad days but I know in the end I will be stronger and closer to God as long as I don't take my eyes off the prize and continue my race. One week from today I will have the surgery that I have not wanted to deal with. This just happens to be something that I have to do and I really don't want to but I know that God has big plans for me in this and he is going to use it in a big way to his glory. So I press on and I am so thankful for all of my family and friends that he shows his Love through each and every day. God bless you all!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
There is a Reason for Everything
There is a Reason for Everything Our Father knows what's best for us So why should we complain?
Sunday, January 6, 2008
My favorite day of the week
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Married to my best friend
Please continue to pray for my mother, Joan she had a lung biopsy yesterday and should have the results by the end of the week.