I see the girl that came home for Christmas and she is motivated, she is excited to be doing work for the Lord. She tells me things she is learning in her classes and I hear stories about the other young kids leaving their families just as she has. One of the toughest things for these young people is when they put together the mission teams. Sommer had her top picks and top people but was committed to praying about where God wants to use her and who he wants her to go with. Before she left for Christmas break she found out that she is going to Scotland with three other girls, Ashley, Cassey and Jessica. Please keep these girls in your constant prayers. When they go back to Texas on January 11TH they will be moving into an apartment together and starting what is their "mission term" part of that is to get them ready for the field. They will not be using technology like cell phones, computers, or any of their electronic devices and will be walking or riding the bus and no fast food (I kinda like that idea). They will be in Texas until April 15Th then will go home to try to raise support for their field time and leave for the field sometime in June.