Saturday, June 13, 2009

Please keep Sommer and her team in Prayer!

WOW! is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the work that Sommer and her team will be doing in Miami. Arnold and I were blessed to be able to go and get her set up. I was so excited to hear about the work that she will be doing and to be able to meet the coordinators, Mike and Maria and some of the high school and college kids that will be working close with Sommer's team.
There are two groups that the AIM team will be very involved with. The first is the youth group called J4L which is the youth group at the Homestead congregation. The majority of the youth have come from the Christian school there at the church. The team will be teaching bible classes to them when school starts in the fall. The second is the Kendall congregation, where the team will be working with the college age kids.

The team was getting settled in and they were going to spend the week hanging out and getting used to the area and then on Monday going to start getting to work. One of the coordinator's, Mike had told them to be prepared to work 10 hr days with Monday's being their day off. Please continue to pray for the team and the work that is going on down there. Arnold and I saw first hand lives that have been changed by the Love of God!