Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Consider it pure Joy

WOW! I can't believe the surgery is over. As they say the anticipation is the worst. So far I can say it has not been easy but it is no way as bad as I envisioned. I was sitting here yesterday thinking of what an absolute blessed life I have. I have the most amazing husband, two beautiful children, my parents and family close by, an awesome church family. I had just received the mail and I got a bunch of cards which made me feel special and then some meals were being delivered to us later in the day. My Josh was here. My Sommer was in class learning more about the Lord and how to serve him in her life. Arnold was here taking care of the domestic things for us. Why was I so full of Joy. Then I realized this is it. I can be suffering, can be facing trials but my joy does not depend on any of those things my Joy is in the Lord. It is in the relationship I have with him. If my focus is in the right place than I can have Joy. I have realized that Joy is a choice, I already have the joy within me but I must exercise it. I can sit around and feel sorry for myself or I can choose to allow God to use this in my life to bring glory to his name. I never said that I was happy about it, I would give it up in a minute, believe me. My God allows me to have Joy in my suffering I just have to choose weather I will accept it or not. His grace is sufficient. I have also thought of the many people in my life Christians and non-Christians that have told me it's not fair. They are so right life is not fair but God never told us anything about that his goal is to make me more like Jesus and he knows me better than I know myself so he knows what it will take. No, I don't believe that he gave me cancer or that he wanted me to suffer but I do know that he allows things and he knows that what Satan meant for bad he can turn into good. So that is why I have Joy because I have chosen it. If God wants to use a weak servant to bring glory to him all I can say is "Bring it on!" The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will serve him with gladness of heart. My heavenly Father loves me and draws me to Himself. I have His Word that He will mold me and make me what He desires me to be. How can I not have Joy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear friend Lorrie, I too uttered the words "Bring it on!" In the midst of Steave's storm I looked the devil in the eyes and said those words. I later forgot that I had said them, but something reminded me that I had. I had dared him to give us his worst, but full well knowing that we have a SAVIOR, and that he would be glorified in whatever the devil thought he could use to damage us. So now I can laugh at his efforts to bring us down. Not only did he fail, but he FAILED BIG. Now the one person he never wanted to speak the Truth, is now on the path to do just that.

Although the devil is trying to hurt you also, he is failing in this attempt too. I am proud to call you my Sister-in-Christ. Your faith is amazing and your love for the Lord shines through to others and the Lord has already been glorified through your steadfastness. We your family will be by your side holding you up in prayer. Thank you for being the example you are.

“May grace and peace be yours in the fullest measure.” ( 1 Pet 1:2c)
