I have seen that people participate in the "Race for the Cure" for a lot of different reasons. I started to think about this coming up race on October 25 and at first I thought I'm not going to participate this year because I most likely will not be able to run since it will be about a month after my surgery. But then people started asking me if we were going to form a team and do the race this year. At first I said yes because I didn't want to let anyone down. It goes much deeper than that. I run the race because I can and it is not about me or anyone else. It is about bringing awareness and prayerfully to find a cure someday soon. I run the race for my daughter, Sommer, for my sister, Sheilia, for my nieces, Heather, Sierra, Hanna. I pray everyday that none of these precious girls with have to go through what I have gone through or what my mother, Joan has gone through. I run to find a cure or I walk or maybe I will crawl but I am still in the race. It is bigger than just finding a cure for breast cancer it is about staying in the race to get the prize that the Lord offers me. It helped me to think about how in my spiritual life there are times that I run, times that I walk, times that I crawl and there are times that I am just here but I'm still in the race. That is why I run the race and the reason why I form a team is because I have discovered in my life that I can accomplish so much more with the help of others than on my own. We need to find a cure for cancer and I believe that we will. But until there is a cure I do my part and press on to the goal! If you would like to join our team this year than please register on the Komen website at KomenCentralValley.org Our team name is "Prevention is the Cure."
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