Last week was a tough week. That is why I did not blog. I was praying and I was in the word. I am not even sure where to begin. Well I guess that Arnold put it so clear today when he said "so much has happened this year, sometimes it is a blur". Just when you think there is no more tears, here they come. O.K. I will be honest because you know that is all I can do because God already knows. I had myself a pity party this past week. I was frustrated with everything. Times like these I really have to give it to Arnold because he does not say too much about this crazy woman that he is living with, and if that's not bad enough he has to work with her too. I really was tired of it all. I was trying to get back to normal I just wanted things to be normal, whatever that is!
I was missing this body part that cancer stole from me. I was missing my energy. I was feeling sorry for myself because this is not how it was supposed to be. I was so happy when I woke up today and my first thought was thank God it's Sunday. A new week, a new start. So I made a choice that I would pick myself up and stop feeling sorry for myself and I would focus on bringing glory to God through it all. You see that is what happened this past week I lost my focus and started listening to the wrong voice. I was tired and stressed and started listening to the enemy. I lost focus of my purpose in this world. I started focusing on all the problems instead of all my blessings. I am such a blessed person and God has brought me to this time and place in my life for a reason.
One of my biggest blessings in life will fly in to L.A. on Friday night! God has taught me some valuable lessons through this young woman. Please continue to pray for her as she continues to stretch herself. It would have been so easy for her to stay home with all that was going on and not go to AIM but she was willing to go because she feels this is where God was calling her.

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