Monday, November 24, 2008

Sometimes I forget

Sometimes I forget how fortunate I am. Really it's not that I don't remember it's I need to be reminded. The last few months have been some of the most difficult times in my life and at the same time I have seen so much answered prayers. I saw answered prayers in Sommer, when I saw this young girl I left in Texas in August on Friday night (I think it ended up actually being Saturday morning after all the flight delays.) and all I could do is just look at her and think God is so good look at what he is doing in you! I can't even type this right now without tears in my eyes. To hear her say do you know? and she was talking about scripture or I didn't think I would make it through this! but I was praying.

This past year was such a tough one for us and Josh. I thought I would die at times from a broken heart. What I was able to do still amazes me. I prayed to see the situation and those involved as Jesus would. Today we have an awesome relationship. He is not where I would like him to be in his walk with the Lord but Josh is trying to find his place in the world and that involves finding his own faith. I will continue to pray for him everyday. I know that he has a soft heart so that he will find his way back.

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