Monday, October 27, 2008

I think this was the best Race for the Cure yet!

I had such an awesome weekend. It started when I went to the doctor on Friday and together we decided that I was finished with the injections and was ready to move forward with the surgery for the implants. When we walked out that door Arnold and I just looked at each other and smiled because we both knew, it was answered prayer. We were both dreading Friday because we thought that I would have the injection and then not be feeling well for the Race on Saturday. I really felt like I could run the race right then, but Arnold was not too excited about me doing that. Then on Friday night we finally had the chance to go out and see the movie "Fireproof" which is an excellent movie.

On Saturday, I was so excited to be able to be going out to the Race. Not just because I was feeling well and was able. I was excited that my sister, Sheilia would be out there for the first time and my niece, Heather and my sister's two step-daughter's, Melissa and Jessica who lost their mother to breast cancer when they were only three and four. I was excited that I had the largest team I have ever had and a lot of them had not participated in an event like this before. It was impossible for us to get everyone together for a team photo and I was a little bit disappointed about that but I think I still got photos of most everyone (see the slide show). My sister-in-law, Anna did a great job capturing it all! I so appreciated everyone that came out even if I didn't get to spend a lot of time with you just the fact that you were there meant a lot to me.

Then yesterday was Lord's day and I was blessed to hear a great sermon on marriage. Jim gave us homework (which Arnold and I completed). I was able to stay for class for the first time since the surgery. Then we were able to have lunch with two very special people who have been struggling in their marriage for a while. I was able to share what Arnold and I have gone through recently with them as well as some women on Saturday. In March Arnold and I will celebrate our twenty-third wedding anniversary. One thing we have learned is leave whatever has happened in the past and move on. We are so thankful for the time we get to spend together and if you were in our shoes would you treat each other any different?

Then as we were driving home Sommer called. That is the only thing that was missing Saturday. I was so blessed when two of her old high school buddies came up to me and said that they wanted to be part of the race and could they join our team and walk with us. Sommer is right where she needs to be. I must admit I would love to have done what she is doing. She has been in nine states in the last ten days learning more about the bible, fellowship with other Christians and reaching out to the communities they visit. She was excited to see Andrew Gearhart in Alabama and Chris Perry in Dallas. She was not too excited that the bus broke down and they were stranded in Dallas. Looks like classes were cancelled today, so she will be able to get some sleep before the new semester starts tomorrow. I was exhausted when I got home yesterday and feel pretty tired still but am thankful for such a great weekend.

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