I constantly hear people say and I am including myself IF ONLY I HAD ENOUGH TIME FOR.....
As I am recovering from surgery there has been a lot of things I just can't do so those things that I was always saying that I don't have time to finish well somehow they just are not that important right now. I wonder how much time I waste on things that really don't matter? I talked to Sommer last night and she was so excited as she told me how her AIM class went onto the Tech campus to talk to college students and to plant the seed. She mentioned that she would be having a good conversation and then start talking about God and then most, not all were not interested. Do you think that people are not interested in hearing about God because they are too busy and they feel that is just one more thing they will have to fit into their schedule?
You know when you are faced with your mortality you start thinking about the things that really matter. When I became a Christian eight years ago, that is exactly what I was faced with. What is important? I didn't have extra time to go to Church on Sunday or to talk to people about Jesus my life was too busy. I had to understood that some things were more important than others. What I learned is that having a relationship with the Lord is the most important thing. You know the funny thing is once I put God first in my life things were not so out of control anymore. Yes, I still have a lot to do but those things that seem so important to get done really don't matter in the end. I need to spend more of my time reaching out to others because in the end that is what really matters.
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