It is so hard to let them go! I guess I never really thought much about how it would be with both of the kids out of the house and not knowing what they are doing every minute. I never thought that they would both be out on their own in the same year. Having 3 1/2 years between them you just figure it will come someday but don't think it will be at the same time. Yes I know the plan is that Sommer will be back after she is finished with AIM.
One thing I have learned is that Arnold and I have done our best. That they are a gift. Now it is time for them to figure out their place in the world. We still continue to pray for our children everyday and the most important thing to us both is their souls. That is why I am having a very difficult time. I said when Sommer decided to go to AIM that if that is what God was calling her to do then I could not stand in her way. As a lot of you know Satan tried his hardest to keep her from going but failed. Now it is close to the time for her to choose her mission field. We know that she has a heart for inner city mission work and have known those fields would be on the top of her list. She shared that Utah, Miami, Grass Valley, Mexico were all up there on top of her list. Then yesterday she informed us that she wants to go to South Africa, No absolutely not! was my first reaction. Then this young woman says "just pray about it Mom, I believe this is where my heart is." Wow did I forget that I said I would not stand in the way? I have really been praying about this. Today was the presentation and she is even more excited about it than before. Do I have enough faith to let her go where ever God leads her? I pray that I do. As a mom I don't want her to go. But as a child of God, I know I have to. I trust him and I know that this will change her adult life. I will allow my children to figure it out for themselves with guidance of course but it is not always easy. I don't always have the best attitude about it. I am thanking God for her heart, that she wants to go into all the world. God protect them where ever they are and whatever they are doing.
One thing I have learned is that Arnold and I have done our best. That they are a gift. Now it is time for them to figure out their place in the world. We still continue to pray for our children everyday and the most important thing to us both is their souls. That is why I am having a very difficult time. I said when Sommer decided to go to AIM that if that is what God was calling her to do then I could not stand in her way. As a lot of you know Satan tried his hardest to keep her from going but failed. Now it is close to the time for her to choose her mission field. We know that she has a heart for inner city mission work and have known those fields would be on the top of her list. She shared that Utah, Miami, Grass Valley, Mexico were all up there on top of her list. Then yesterday she informed us that she wants to go to South Africa, No absolutely not! was my first reaction. Then this young woman says "just pray about it Mom, I believe this is where my heart is." Wow did I forget that I said I would not stand in the way? I have really been praying about this. Today was the presentation and she is even more excited about it than before. Do I have enough faith to let her go where ever God leads her? I pray that I do. As a mom I don't want her to go. But as a child of God, I know I have to. I trust him and I know that this will change her adult life. I will allow my children to figure it out for themselves with guidance of course but it is not always easy. I don't always have the best attitude about it. I am thanking God for her heart, that she wants to go into all the world. God protect them where ever they are and whatever they are doing.