Thursday, December 25, 2008

One Year ago today

One year ago today I posted this: Sommer has been keeping us all in suspense but Christmas morning she announced her decision after she graduates in June she has decided to go into the AIM program. She does not make this decision lightly she has been thinking and praying about this for over a year and has decided that this is what she wants to do and believes that this is how she can best serve God right after high school. Arnold and I are very excited about her decision we know she will have such a memorable two years. We will miss her so much but we know that God will guide her and take care of her through the AIM staff. Thank all of you who have encouraged her and inspired her to do this.

When we left Sommer in Texas back in August I thought I would die from a broken heart. I missed her so much. It was a very difficult time for me. Josh had moved out, my mom was going through chemotherapy, and I was getting ready for the biggest surgery that I have ever had both physically and emotionally. It would have been so easy to say "no I don't want you to go, just stay here". I knew that God was calling her and I would not stand in her way. When Sommer told us last year, on Christmas morning that she had decided to go to Texas to the AIM program, Arnold and I were so excited. But Satan got busy real quick trying to discourage and distract her. Family and friends not wanting her to go, my mom getting sick, then with myself finding out that I was going to need to have a mastectomy. I remember when I told her I was going to have the surgery I told her don't even think about staying home you made your decision and you are going. That may be one of the hardest things I have ever had to do because it would have been so easy to tell her just stay I need you! But it has been such a growing time for her and for me.

I am sure that she can tell you it has not been easy. It has been a growing, molding time the last few months and there has been times when she wanted to come home. Times when she felt she could not do this anymore. Times when she wanted to be here for us and felt so confused.

I see the girl that came home for Christmas and she is motivated, she is excited to be doing work for the Lord. She tells me things she is learning in her classes and I hear stories about the other young kids leaving their families just as she has. One of the toughest things for these young people is when they put together the mission teams. Sommer had her top picks and top people but was committed to praying about where God wants to use her and who he wants her to go with. Before she left for Christmas break she found out that she is going to Scotland with three other girls, Ashley, Cassey and Jessica. Please keep these girls in your constant prayers. When they go back to Texas on January 11TH they will be moving into an apartment together and starting what is their "mission term" part of that is to get them ready for the field. They will not be using technology like cell phones, computers, or any of their electronic devices and will be walking or riding the bus and no fast food (I kinda like that idea). They will be in Texas until April 15Th then will go home to try to raise support for their field time and leave for the field sometime in June.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Fresno State student needs donor

Kavon Mamon, 23 yr old Fresno State student needs help

This young man, Kavon is a very good friend of my niece, Jessica. If you or anyone you know can help please tell them about the blood drive today at the Save Mart Center.

By Margot Kim

A Fresno State student is hoping someone in the Valley holds the key to his future.

He needs a donor who's willing to go "down to the bone" to save his life.

A hospital bed has been Kavon Momen's home away from home for the past two weeks. The Fresno State student is recovering from the latest setback in his fight against aplastic anemia.

It's a rare condition in which the bone marrow stops producing new blood cells, including platelets and white blood cells needed to fight infection.

He started noticing something was wrong, two months ago, just before his 23rd birthday. Kavon's doctor, Fresno hematologist and oncologist, Dr.Ravi Rao said Kavon may never know.

Dr. Rao said in some patients, aplastic anemia could result from exposure to a virus or toxin, but he's concentrating on finding a cure for Kavon instead of a cause.

Kavon gets regular blood transfusions because his body isn't producing blood cells, but he needs a bone marrow transplant his rich ethnic heritage makes it more challenging to find a match.

Family members are the best chance to find a match, but so far, none of Kavon's loved ones are a match. This predicament is leaving him to find a bone marrow donor somewhere in the world, but they are starting with his own community.

A week ago the Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno hosted a blood drive and bone marrow donor registry sign-up to help Kavon. People of Iranian and Hispanic heritage were encouraged to donate but anyone in the community was invited to give life-saving blood to help Kavon or someone else.

Monday at the Save Mart Center in North Fresno, a community-wide blood drive and bone marrow registry event will be held to help Kavon and many others. The gift of life from family, friends and total strangers gives Kavon hope for Monday.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bring The Rain by MercyMe

Wednesday was my surgery for the implant reconstruction. It was such a long day, once we got to the surgery center we found out there was a problem with the insurance coverage and our out of pocket was going to be $600 more than it should have been, because of a mistake that someone made and everyone was blaming someone else. I was very irritated. Not good right before surgery. Arnold was trying to help me relax by telling me in the end it doesn't matter. True, he is much better at dealing with these situations than I am.

Then they called me back to get me ready for surgery. Because I have had so much chemotherapy and because I have had lymph nodes removed on both sides, there are limits on where they can put the IV and they can't put it on the left side at all. Usually the anesthesiologist
ends up getting it in the end. I still don't understand why I just can't have him do it to begin with, does every nurse have to try to poke me first before they understand that it's too difficult for them. I lost count of how many times I was poked but they were calling me a pincushion by the time I was being rolled back to surgery. I remember as I was being poked for I guess the 5Th time. I looked over at Arnold with tears in my eyes because I was so frustrated. Then finally the anesthesiologist came in and guess what he got it in! Why did they not send him in 1 1/2 hrs ago is beyond me.

O.K. I am supposed to learn something from everything that happens so I'm thinking what am I supposed to learn from this? What came to me was how Arnold looked when he saw what I was going through. He was in pain for me. At one point one of the nurses said WOW you have been through so much how do you deal with it? I said, as I was looking at Arnold, "he's my rock" and he said "but this rock crumbles sometimes". I am going to be honest I had a bad attitude Wednesday. I think that God allows things to happen in my life so that I will be grateful and thankful. God has truly blessed me with an amazing husband. I don't think anyone truly understands how difficult this is for him. When I looked over at him with tears in my eyes, I saw the pain and the fear in his eyes. He has watched me go through so much. The last few months he has been taking care of me, the office, the house, and dealing with the kids being gone, with me being down. I know that this is stressful for him. I love this man so much. Last night I couldn't sleep because, (don't tell him I told you) he was snoring so loud. I was getting frustrated and then I thought what if he wasn't here? or I wasn't here to hear it, and then it was the most beautiful sound to me. But it still kept waking me up so I asked him this morning for earplugs for Christmas!

I thank God today for blessing me with someone that makes me a better wife, mother, daughter, friend and most of all a better Christian woman. Arnold truly is my best friend in this world.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Josh & Sommer find your wings

Sommer while you were home for Thanksgiving a friend of mine asked me how things were going. I said that it was good to have you home just different. She asked me what I meant. "She's different", I said. "She's not a little girl anymore and I know that is how it's supposed to be, it's just that I miss the little girl". She said "my mom used to tell me give them roots then give them room to fly". The next day was Thanksgiving. I was in the kitchen baking listening to Christian radio station when this song came on. The tears just came and dad asked me what was wrong. I told him to listen to this song and told him what my friend said. I was crying because this is exactly what I wanted to say to you and Josh, my young adult children. Here is the song-Find your Wings

One of the toughest stages is being the mother to young adult children. It also is so rewarding. I am so happy Josh that you finished the income tax course and will be getting your certification. Dad and I are so very proud of you and excited that you are back in school at Fresno City and working with dad and myself.
There you go again Sommer! Back to Lubbock, Texas. You are off to learn more about the bible, to learn more about life to be the change you want the world to see. I was emotional as I watched you walk away, thinking of the faith that you have and how you are allowing God to mold you. You are a beautiful example, not only to others around you but to me. I know that you will look back on your life with no regrets because you are not perfect but you are striving for what it is that God wants in your life. So I have tears in my eyes as you take off but I am cheering you on.

I am here for you both as you find your wings. I pray that the love that Dad and I have for you has given you the roots you need to find your wings. That your faith gives you courage to not only dream but to do great things. As I have told you both so many times. Your walk with God is the most important thing to me. I love you more than words can say.