When mom found out in January that her breast cancer had returned in her lung it was very tough. Finding out that you have to have chemotherapy after going through it before is so very hard because you have experienced it before and you know what's coming. I cried so hard the day that I found out. Sometimes I have a much harder time dealing with her being sick than myself. The original prognosis did not sound too bad. They would start chemotherapy to shrink the tumor, then some high dose radiation then send her to a surgeon to operate. She had the chemo, the radiation than went to the surgeon only to discover that the tumor was in a spot that was way too dangerous to operate. The surgeon said that he would not do it and that he doubted she would find a surgeon that would. In hearing that she was convinced that surgery was not an option. Back to chemotherapy until it is dissolved. In February they will test to see if the tumor has shrunk or best case scenario dissolved.
Please pray for my mother and for my dad. This has been especially hard on my dad, sometimes we forget cancer does not just effect the patient but the whole family.