Friday, January 18, 2008


It's that time again! For me it means long hours but it also means opportunities to see people that I have not seen for a year. The last couple of weeks have been very stressful trying to keep up with my work load and wanting to help my mother. Please continue to keep her in your prayers she started her chemo yesterday.

There is a Reason for Everything

There is a Reason for Everything Our Father knows what's best for us So why should we complain?
We always want the sunshine But He knows there must be rain.
We love the sound of laughter And the merriment of cheer But our hearts would lose their tenderness If we never shed a tear.
Our Father tests us often With suffering and with sorrow He tests us not to punish us But to help us meet tomorrow.
For growing trees are strengthened When they withstand the storm And the sharp cut of a chisel Gives the marble grace and form.
God never hurts us needlessly and He never wastes our pain For every loss He sends to us Is followed by rich gain. And when we count the blessings That God has so freely sent We will find no cause for murmuring And no time to lament.
For our Father loves His children And to Him all things are plain He never sends us pleasure When the soul's deep need is pain.
So whenever we are troubled And when everything goes wrong It is just God working in us To make our spirits strong.

Helen Steiner Rice

Sunday, January 6, 2008

My favorite day of the week

Today is Sunday, Lord's day I enjoy Sundays to much. It is my favorite day of the week. I look forward all week for this day. I get to go to worship services to hear the word of God, to sing to God, to pray to God and to be with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes, I have my everyday time alone with the Lord and I even get to see some of my brothers and sisters during the week but Sundays they are all of us coming together for one purpose. Also I used to really dislike Sunday, before I became a Christian because the next day was Monday and I was dreading getting back to work and the routine of the week but now Sundays prepare me for the week being with my brothers and sisters being encouraged helps me make it through the week. I thank God for today and I am so excited it is Sunday!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Married to my best friend

I love spending time with my family and friends but it is so special to me to spend time alone with my best friend on this earth I am so blessed to be able to call my husband, Arnold my best friend. Last night we were able to go out for dinner just the two of us. It is so strange how two people that are so different, that are from such different backgrounds and upbringing can grow to be so much like each other. We have been through so much together, some of which we don't like to talk about but even those times have helped our relationship grow. For me it is so easy to love and appreciate what you have when you have not always had it. We have not always had just such a beautiful marriage because we were missing both putting God first in our lives. Just like I so appreciate my health because there has been times when I was going through chemotherapy that I could not even get up off the couch so it is so easy for me to jump out of bed in the morning because I don't forget there was a time when I could not. So I appreciate the relationship that God has blessed me with. I so appreciate that he has turned mine and Arnold's life around.

Please continue to pray for my mother, Joan she had a lung biopsy yesterday and should have the results by the end of the week.