Life can be so difficult. I know that there are good days and bad days and what keeps me going is knowing that some day there will be no more tears. I have shed a lot of tears this week. My mother, Joan had a MRI on Monday, her Dr. thought that she had a stroke. The test showed that she has 11 small cancer tumors. When she was diagnosed with her breast cancer coming back in her lung, I knew that this was not good because the cancer had spread to other organs. Now to see that she has been on chemo for over 2 years and the cancer is still spreading is very heartbreaking for her and for our family. I am praying today as I do everyday that my mom would open her heart to God that he would heal her. I am not talking just physically even though that would be great! I am talking about her having hope that someday there will be no more tears and no more pain and that she will spend eternity with Jesus. Please pray for my mother today not just for her physical health but for her spiritual health. Also that I can recognize those doors of opportunity that the Lord opens for me to speak to her and not say or do anything that will close those doors.