I have put off taking the after pictures of the house for a while now because I have keep thinking that we are not finished yet. I was out for a walk last weekend when I realized that this is going to be an ongoing process, I think that there is always going to be something else to do. So I decided to go ahead and take the after photos realizing we are far from done.
As I looked at the before and after pictures, or I should say "in process" pictures I thought wow! This is amazing how much work we have done. This place was a mess! I remember thinking there was no way I was going to live here! Arnold told me keep an open mind and look at the possibilities not how it looks right now.

As I looked at the before and after pictures, or I should say "in process" pictures I thought wow! This is amazing how much work we have done. This place was a mess! I remember thinking there was no way I was going to live here! Arnold told me keep an open mind and look at the possibilities not how it looks right now.

I started thinking about how that is exactly what God did with me . He took something so ugly and useless and transformed it and it is a work in progress! As I look around the house I can see some of the blemishes some of the scars of how things were just as I have scars of my past and blemishes but that is part of the beauty in sharing my journey. You see I was wandering around aimless in this world just going through the motions. Then God allowed things in my life to get my attention. I am so thankful he sees what can be and not just what is. He offers that to everyone. It is a choice. If you were to find out today that you had cancer or some terminal illness. Would you live you life different? If so don't wait for something to happen. Seek God today with all of your heart! It is the only life worth living for, I know because I have tried it other ways and always came up empty. God has transformed my character and continues to mold me into the image of Jesus and I am so thankful he loves me so much not to leave me the way I am.